Friday, August 26, 2016


Wall tree

Wall tree pt.2

Rock on !


Rule of cones


Have a seat

I'm an angel

Patrick Star

Rule of poles

Masters of Photography - Jerry Uelsmann

Symbolic Mutation

Jerry Uelsmann is a surrealist American photographer who was born in Detroit. His complex work often tells a story in a poetic sense. He studied photography at the Rochester Institute of Technology. He then later received his masters in the degree of science at Indiana University and again, another but at the Rochester Institute, where he originally began, with a masters in fine arts. A lot of his work include extreme material. For example, the image above, "Symbolic Mutation" (1961), shows a woman's face faded behind a man's fist. This image shows the effect of domestic violence. The woman's image faded can be seen as her being silenced and unable to ask for help. Ultimately, hopeless. While the man's hand, the most prominent image in this whole picture shows the dominance and control he has over her. His overall surreal image is able to tell a story what many people, men or women, go thought in an everyday life living with someone abusive in a poetic sense. A lot of his images utilize juxtaposition; the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect. For example, this image places a gentle image with an aggressive image in order to get his point across on the effects of domestic violence. Overall, Jerry Uelsmann is a surrealist American photographer who through his complex work tells a story in a poetic sense. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Alphabet soup

 1. f/stop: f - the size of the aperture or diaphragm opening of lens
 2. ISO: g - indicates the relative light sensitivity of the recorded medium
 3. Jpeg: a - a lossy compression file format that works with any computer and photo software
 4. LCD: i - light crystal display, which is a flat screen wuth clear polarizing sheets on either side of
                  a liquid crystal solution
 5. LED:  k - light emitting diode, is a single often employed as an indicator on cameras as well as
                  on other electronic equipment
 6. GB: d - just over one billion bytes
 7. AF: e - camera automatically focuses on subject
 8. SLR: j - single lens reflex, a camera with a mirror that reflects the image entering the lens
                 through a pentaprism or pentamirror onto the view finder screen
 9. MF: c- is one in which the user has to adjust the focus of lens by hand
10. VR: h - vibration detection, a technology used in such photographic accessories
11. DSLR: l - digital single-lens reflex camera
12. MB: b - a million pixels